News/Blog at Clearwater Living in Newport Beach, California

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COVID-19 Update for Clearwater at South Bay

Dear Residents, Family Members and Guests,

First, let me start by expressing our gratitude and appreciation to our residents and family members who have been extremely patient and compliant during this difficult time. I also want to commend our team members for their extraordinary and tireless efforts to help protect themselves, their peers and our residents’ health and safety through the COVID-19 pandemic. With everyone’s cooperation, and as a result of the heightened measures we implemented early on, Clearwater at South Bay remains free of COVID-19.

The situation continues to evolve, and we are still monitoring and updating protocols pursuant to guidelines provided by the CDC and local health officials. With that said, in response to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s most recent order, the following protocols are now in place:

· Only essential team members or visitors are permitted on the community grounds, which include the perimeter of the building and parking lot, except for dropping off needed supplies to your loved one. These drop offs are required to be left outside of the community for our team to disinfect prior to delivering to your loved ones.

· In addition to team members having their temperature taken at the start of their shift, they will now be scanned with a thermometer prior to the end of their shift.

· Residents are required to wear a cloth face covering or surgical mask when not in their apartments. Our residents suffering from cognitive and memory impairments have modified protocols. Those who are unable to wear a mask or remain in their apartments will be accommodated and not forced to abide by this protocol.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep everyone safe and well. We will continue to adapt our programming to provide additional support and engagement. In addition, we encourage the use of technology for our residents to stay connected to loved ones. Our team is available to assist with scheduling and facilitating these virtual visits.   


Thank you for your patience as we work closely with the county health officials and strive to keep our team members and residents protected from COVID-19.  Please do not hesitate to contact Mike Krieger with any questions, comments and or concerns at (424) 488-6340.



Danielle Morgan

President/COO, Clearwater Living

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